ai medical coding,ai claims auditor,pcg,pcg software,vews,virtual examiner,ivecoder,virtualauthtech
Will Schmidt
October 24, 2024

CAHP Conference 2024 Review

For 15 years, PCG Software has attended and sponsored the CAHP (California Association of Health Plans) Conference in Palm Springs, CA.

What is the annual CAHP Conference?

Health plans of all sizes in California attend the CAHP conference to learn about new Medi-Cal and Medicare requirements and how to assess risk, growth, and compliance better. With amazing speakers from other plans, vendors, technology experts, clinical experts, and the CAHP board itself, you achieve amazing information.

Beyond the educational sessions, you can walk through the assembly room, where amazing vendors like PCG Software are located, and explore new technology, financial, legal, and staffing services that will take your Health Plan to the next level. 

Interested in 2025 Attendance?

If you’d like to enroll in next year’s 2025 CAHP Conference,
please click this link. 

How did PCG Software do at the CAHP Conference?

It was our honor that CAHP allowed us to be a valued sponsor once again. We were able to meet some of the remaining Health Plans that have not become a customer of PCG Software and our AI Claims Auditing software, as well as find amazing new potential partnerships. This year we found 5 potential new health plan customers, and 3 potential new partnerships. 

We hope you consider attending next year and for years to come. 

Need cost containment, greater compliance, better software?

Contact our Chief Strategy Officer, Will Schmidt, at

Our History and Credibility in Reporting this Information:

For over 30 years, PCG Software Inc. has been a leader in AI-powered medical coding solutions, helping Health Plans, MSOs, IPAs, TPAs, and Health Systems save millions annually by reducing costs, fraud, waste, abuse, and improving claims and compliance department efficiencies. Our innovative software solutions include Virtual Examiner® for Payers, VEWS™ for Payers and Billing Software integrations, and iVECoder® for clinics.

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