California's healthcare reimbursement landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of AB 3275, which mandates that health plans, including HMOs and Medi-Cal managed care plans, must pay providers within 30 calendar days instead of the previous 30 working days. This legislative update is signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom to expedite reimbursements and improve cash flow for healthcare providers. However, the law also introduces operational challenges for health plans, managed service organizations (MSOs), and independent physician associations (IPAs) as they adjust processes, staffing, and technology to comply with the new requirements.
Under the previous law, health plans must reimburse clean claims within 30 working days of receipt, excluding weekends and holidays. This effectively provided health plans up to 6 weeks to process claims. AB 3275 simplifies the timeline, requiring reimbursement within 30 calendar days, which includes weekends and holidays.
In cases where claims are contested, health plans must notify the claimant in writing within the same 30-calendar-day period. If claims remain unpaid past the deadline, interest will accrue at 15% per annum, and plans that fail to pay interest automatically will owe more than $15 or 10% of the accrued interest.
While this shift ensures faster provider payments, it places new burdens on health plans to enhance efficiency and accuracy within a much stricter window.
The compressed timeline requires health plans, MSOs, and IPAs to re-engineer their claims processing workflows for faster turnaround times.
Some health plans may need to scale up their claims processing teams to meet the new deadline to avoid delays.
The shorter reimbursement window increases the risk of payment errors, including overpayments, underpayments, and denials. Errors can have serious consequences for health plans:
Health plans will likely turn to advanced auditing software and automation tools to manage the tighter reimbursement deadline and minimize errors.
For directors, vice presidents, and C-suite executives, AB 3275 presents both challenges and opportunities:
For over 30 years, PCG Software and its flagship claims auditing solution, Virtual Examiner®, have empowered more than 164 payers to audit billions of claims, saving billions of dollars in incorrect payments while enhancing compliance. Built on CMS, Medi-Cal, WHO, DHHS, and State Medicaid guidelines, our software is updated weekly to reflect the latest rules and regulations. Virtual Examiner® gives health plans unmatched clarity and control, allowing leadership to walk into the office every morning with actionable insights: identifying problematic claims, understanding root causes, and implementing targeted solutions.
Most importantly, Virtual Examiner® maintains the human element—placing the ultimate decision to deny, reduce, or pend claims for review firmly in the hands of your team—combining advanced automation with the oversight that only experienced professionals can provide.
For over 30 years, PCG Software Inc. has been a leader in AI-powered medical coding solutions, helping Health Plans, MSOs, IPAs, TPAs, and Health Systems save millions annually by reducing costs, fraud, waste, abuse, and improving claims and compliance department efficiencies. Our innovative software solutions include Virtual Examiner® for Payers, VEWS™ for Payers and Billing Software integrations, and iVECoder® for clinics.
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